gnr/bnr 405/194-195
7030 NO
7030 NO
SCENE II: Support jacks
So that you can start lifting, you need a bit of clearance between the ground and the bottom of your tiny temporary artistic space. Cue jacks. You need to hire or buy four jacks, one for each corner of your exhibition building. Make sure that they can amply support the weight of all your hopes and ambitions for the artistic in public space.
Artistic support structures are those that bear, sustain, and prop, encourage, care for, and assist; for that which advocates, articulates; for what stands behind, frames, and maintains: it is way of describing those relationships that give support.
︎SCENE III: Lifting straps
So that you can start lifting, you need a bit of clearance between the ground and the bottom of your tiny temporary artistic space. Cue jacks. You need to hire or buy four jacks, one for each corner of your exhibition building. Make sure that they can amply support the weight of all your hopes and ambitions for the artistic in public space.
Artistic support structures are those that bear, sustain, and prop, encourage, care for, and assist; for that which advocates, articulates; for what stands behind, frames, and maintains: it is way of describing those relationships that give support.
︎SCENE III: Lifting straps